What is a Fire Extinguisher?

What is a fire extinguisher?, Many people may have seen it but may not be fully aware of it.

fire extinguisher price in pakistan
fire extinguisher price in pakistan

Fire extinguisher is fire fighting equipment that helps in extinguishing the fire. This tool is slim and available in different sizes and types, so it is easy to accommodate almost all places like homes, offices, schools, markets, hospitals, etc.

You can purchase fire extinguishers from Adamsfiretech.

Purpose of Fire Extinguishers:

Purpose of fire extinguishers is to extinguish the fire. Now-a-days there are a lot of reasons for the ignition of the fire. There are three things that are required to complete a fire triangle:

1- Oxygen.

2- Ignition source.

3- Fuel.

A fire extinguisher takes away one of the three things and breaks the fire triangle thus extinguishing it.

Advantages of Fire Extinguishers:

There are numerous advantages of fire extinguishers, some of them are mentioned below:

1- Fire extinguishers are portable devices so they can be carried from one place to another, conveniently.

2- They are effective to extinguish fire in larger areas because they are available in different capacities.

3- They are safe to use because they can extinguish a fire from a distance of six to seven meters.

The qualities of the three E’s are present in fire extinguishers i.e Easy, Effective and Efficient. These qualities bring comfort to your life.more

Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are six types of fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are categorized into different types because of the different classes of Fires. One type of fire extinguisher is more suitable for a particular Class of fire than the other. The six types of fire extinguishers are:

1- Water Fire Extinguisher.

2- Foam Fire Extinguisher.

3- CO2 Fire Extinguishers.

4- DCP Fire Extinguisher.

5- Water Mist Fire Extinguisher.

6- Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher:

Fire Extinguishers in Pakistan:

There are different types of fire extinguishers in Pakistan.

Water Fire Extinguisher:

1- Water fire extinguisher is essential for  Class A fire.

2- It has  Red Label on its cylinder for its easy identity.

3- Extinguishes the fire caught by paper, cloth, and wood.

water fire Extinguisher Price and Size available  4Lit ,6Lit,8Lit,10Lit, 25Lit and 50Lit .We deal with Naffco UAE and China made fire extinguishers.

Foam-Type Fire Extinguisher:

1- Foam-type fire extinguisher is essential for Class A and B fires.

2- It has a Cream-colored label to identify it.

3- Foam is the fire fighting agent.

Afff fire Extinguisher Price and Size available 4Lit ,6Lit,8Lit,10Lit, 25Lit and 50Lit .We deal with Naffco UAE and China made fire extinguishers.

CO2 Fire Extinguisher:

1 -CO2 fire extinguisher is essential for Class B and E fires.

2- It has a Black label on its cylinder.

3- Extinguishes the fire caught by electrical equipment and liquids etc.

Co2 fire Extinguisher Price and Size available  2kg ,3kg ,5kg,10kg and 25kg .We deal with Naffco UAE and China made fire extinguishers.

Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) fire extinguisher:

1- DCP fire extinguisher is essential for Class A, B, C, and E fires.

2- Blue colored label is their identity.

3- They have the widest application among all types of fire extinguishers.

Dcp fire Extinguisher Price and Size available 1kg ,2kg ,3kg ,4kg,6kg,8kg,10kg,25kg,50kg,100kg and 150kg .We deal with Naffco UAE and China made fire extinguishers.

Water Mist fire extinguisher:

1- Water Mist fire extinguisher is essential for Class A, B, and C fires.

2- They possess a white-colored label.

3- The Mist produces a cooling effect.

Wet Chemical fire extinguisher:

1- It is essential for Class F fires.

2- There is a Yellow label on their cylinder.

3- Useful for kitchens and cooking sites.


How to Use Fire Extinguisher:

There is a basic and simple technique to use fire extinguishers:

1- Pull.

2- Aim.

3- Squeeze.

4- Sweep.

The ‘PASS’ Technique:

The full mechanism of operating fire extinguisher is explained in ‘PASS’ Technique:

1- P: PULL  the pin and break the seal.

2- A: Aim the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.

3- S: SQUEEZE the lever and move left to right or right to left by releasing the agent.

4- S: Till the fire extinguishes, SQUEEZE the fire extinguisher.

Keep the fact in mind that you can control small fires with the help of fire extinguishers but if the fire does not get in control, call fire brigades or other firefighters for rescue.

Fire extinguisher price in Pakistan

Weight DCP Fire Extinguisher CO2 Fire Extinguisher Halotron Fire Extinguisher AFFF Fire Extinguisher WATER Fire Extinguisher
1KGRs 1500-Rs 8500--
2KGRs 2200Rs 6800---
3KG-Rs 8500---
4KG3100-Rs 34,000--
5KGRs 3300Rs 13000---
6KGRs 3500-Rs 49,000Rs 4500Rs 3900
8KGRs 4200----
10KGRs 4800Rs 25,000-Rs 5200Rs 4800
12KGRs 5200----
25KG TrolleyRs 26,000Rs 39000---
50KG TrolleyRs 32,000----
100KG TrolleyRs 65,000----

Fire extinguisher price in Pakistan:

Fire extinguisher price in Pakistan are mentioned but may vary due to currency fluctutaions.  Please call or Email to get the fresh Pricing.


Fire extinguishers are demanding fire fighting equipment for safety reasons. There are six different types of fire extinguishers. Choose one according to the need of your place.


Adamsfiretech is determined to provide the best fire fighting equipment to the users because we cannot compromise with the protection. We choose high-quality fire extinguishers that do not corrode, the fire extinguishing agent in them also has a matchless quality.contact us Adamsfiretech is definitely the best shop near me for purchasing fire extinguishers at the most reasonable prices in Pakistan.

Adams Fire Tech provides quality fire extinguishers manufactured by NAFFCO UAE to meet every type of emergency.

Our supplied fire extinguishers are fully certified and have been rigorously tested to ensure that they provide the required protection for your property. We stock the complete range of fire extinguishers like CO₂, Dry Powder, Water,

Foam, Clean Agent and Wet Chemical.
Fire extinguishers are sturdy metal cylinders filled with water or a smothering material. When you depress a lever at the top of the cylinder, the material is expelled by high pressure, similar to the way material is forced out of an aerosol can.

If needed, Adams Fire Tech can conduct a fire extinguisher inspection to ensure that your fire extinguisher performs in an emergency.

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